Saturday 23 April 2011

Where Have All The Failures Gone?

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

Why is it that people cringe when they hear the word failure? Why is it such a perpetual fear? Its something that people don't like to think about let alone talk about. In today's society all anyone ever seems to be concerned about is success. Growing up all i ever heard was success success success....its the only message that i was really given growing up, and that's what a majority of children are learning now but what does success really mean, for one to succeed one must fail first. I had to learn that failure is not always as negative as its portrayed. There is not a person on this earth that has not failed at one point or another, look at all the people you know and love. they have all failed you may not realize this but they have. Thomas Edison for example failed hundreds if not thousands of times while coming up with all of his inventions. Every thing good that we have has come from failure it gives you a chance to re-evaluate what we did wrong and try again. Failure builds character, and makes us stronger. Without failure we would have no such thing as success, how can one succeed without failure. Its hard to conceive why people are so hell bent for success and so terrified of something that makes us want to be our best and to keep trying. I have found that most times of strength are found in failure, a lot of people see failure as a weakness when in fact it is a strength.

As a society we tend to fear failure as a disease, when in fact its not its actually something very healthy. failure cannot be avoided. If one were to only succeed one would become egotistical, and single minded, failure helps to teach us to be humble, and compassionate towards others.... is this really such a bad thing? There is really nothing bad about failure we should all embrace our mistakes and learn from them, the most successful people in the world tend to follow that example.

Just something to think about.

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